7 things every visitor needs to know about Arizona

Grand Canyon Arizona


Arizona residents have a reputation for being extremely friendly toward strangers, which is sometimes attributed to the fact that with a few exceptions it is legal for just about everybody to carry a concealed weapon.

The popularity of tequila at Arizona resorts is not believed to be connected to a state law prohibiting donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs.

The shoestring-shaped bola tie is recognized as the official Arizona state neckwear. Visitors are cautioned that an Arizona native wearing one will often be running for political office.

Among the 12 or so fatalities that occur annually at the Grand Canyon, only a few have involved people backing off the canyon wall while taking selfies.

In the Phoenix suburb of Cave Creek, Big Earl’s Greasy Eats is still a popular dining spot, even though the outdoor accommodation for pole dancing is gone.

Of the 44 million people who visit Arizona each year, many will refuse to take part in any conversation that uses the words “dry heat”.

The average winter temperatures in many northern states are thought to directly correlate with how smart their residents consider Arizonans to be.

BobCarriesOn Humor Editor Bob Payne misses the pole dancing at Big Earl’s Greasy Eats no more than the next person.

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